The United States is near total collapse. But 87% of the population doesn't care: they're addicted to flashback, a drug that allows its users to re-experience the best moments of their lives. After ex-detective Nick Bottom's wife died in a car accident, he went under the flash to be with her; he's lost his job, his teenage son, and his livelihood as a result.
Nick may be a lost soul but he's still a good cop, so he is hired to investigate the murder of a top governmental advisor's son. This flashback-addict becomes the one man who may be able to change the course of an entire nation turning away from the future to live in the past.
A provocative novel set in a future that seems scarily possible, FLASHBACK proves why Dan Simmons is one of our most exciting and versatile writers.
一九四八年出生於美國伊利諾州。長篇小說處女作《迦梨之歌》一舉為他拿下一九八六年的「世界奇幻獎」、《腐肉解饑》接連摘下恐怖類型最高榮譽「布蘭姆?史托克獎」、《軌跡》雜誌讀者票選獎恐怖小說類,以及「英倫奇幻獎」的桂冠。《海柏利昂》及《海柏利昂的殞落》雙料榮獲「雨果獎」。《極地惡靈》獲選為亞馬遜 2007 年度最佳科幻/奇幻小說。