副标题: A Novel
Published in 1975, Ragtime changed our very concept of what a novel could be. An extraordinary tapestry, Ragtime captures the spirit of America in the era between the turn of the century and the First World War.
The story opens in 1906 in New Rochelle, New York, at the home of an affluent American family. One lazy Sunday afternoon, the famous escape artist Harry Houdini swerves his car into a telephone pole outside their house. And almost magically, the line between fantasy and historical fact, between real and imaginary characters, disappears. Henry Ford, Emma Goldman, J. P. Morgan, Evelyn Nesbit, Sigmund Freud, and Emiliano Zapata slip in and out of the tale, crossing paths with Doctorow's imagined family and other fictional characters, including an immigrant peddler and a ragtime musician from Harlem whose insistence on a point of justice drives him to revolutionary violence.
The Modern Library has played a significant role in American cultural life for the better part of a century. The series was founded in 1917 by the publishers Boni and Liveright and eight years later acquired by Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer. It provided the foundation for their next publishing venture, Random House. The Modern Library has been a staple of the American book trade, providing readers with affordable hardbound editions of important works of literature and thought. For the Modern Library's seventy-fifth anniversary, Random House redesigned the series, restoring as its emblem the running torch-bearer created by Lucian Bernhard in 1925 and refurbishing jackets, bindings, and type, as well as inaugurating a new program of selecting titles. The Modern Library continues to provide the world's best books, at the best prices.
多克特罗(E·L·Doctorrow)是美国当代为数不多的一流严肃小说家之一。尽管他从不把写作当作取悦于人的事情,但他的作品在美国却颇为畅销,从1975年出版的《拉格泰姆时代》到1990年出版的《比利·巴思盖特》(Billy Bathgate)都曾经名列畅销书榜首。读者喜爱他那与众不同、创新立异的风格,被他作品中对美国历史的独到见解所吸引,在他那些把20世纪美国的头版新闻同虚构的小说人物的活动糅合在一起的作品中,领略到一种时代气息。
多克特罗1931年出生于纽约,父母是移民美国的俄罗斯犹太人,是那种酷爱书本与音乐的知识分子。多克特罗在这种家庭的熏陶下,经历了30年代大萧条的艰难岁月成长起来,为他日后从事文学创作打下了基础。多克特罗曾受教于纽约布朗克斯理科中学和俄亥俄州的凯尼恩学院,后入哥伦比亚大学研究院攻读戏剧,在那儿结识了日后成为他的妻子的海伦·亨斯莉。1953年他去军队服役,两年后复员,本打算靠退伍金养家,自己可以专心去写一部小说,现实却不尽人意,他只得先谋求一份稳定的工作,因而他甚至在机场当过订座员,其后又在哥伦比亚广播电视部和哥伦比亚电影公司作审稿人。60年代初他从电影业转入出版界,先后在新美洲图书馆和戴尔出版公司任编辑,33岁时成为戴尔出版公司的总编辑。他的第一部小说《欢迎到哈德泰姆斯来》(Welcome to Hard Times)于1960年出版。此书写一个坏蛋几乎毁掉了一座名为哈德泰姆斯(含有“艰难时世”之意)的美国小镇。这是多克特罗第一次像某种人类时间机器一样,载着他的读者回到蛮荒的西部进行一次历史的旅行。这部作品以一个小镇作为人类社会的象征,用意虽深,但由于写人类活动失于简单化,出书后未能引起文学界关注。1966年他的第二部小说《像真的一样大》(Big as Life)出版。此书描写纽约出现了比摩天大厦还要高大的裸体巨人时市民的恐慌心理,既讽喻人心不古,也表达了对普通人的同情与关切。多克特罗于1968年由出版界转入教育界,先后在加州大学、普林斯顿大学、犹他大学、萨拉·劳伦斯学院任教,目前则在纽约大学研究生写作班担任教职,同也是小说家的妻子和三个孩子住在纽约郊区。