Emerging from the grit and stigma of poverty to a life of fairytale privilege under the wing of her aunt, the beautiful and financially ambitious Kate Croy is already romantically involved with promising journalist Merton Densher when they become acquainted with Milly Theale, a New York socialite of immense wealth. Learning of Milly's mortal illness and passionate attraction to Densher, Kate sets the scene for a romantic betrayal intended to secure her lasting financial security. As the dying Milly retreats within the carnival splendour of a Venetian palazzo, becoming the frail hub of a predatory circle of fortune-seekers, James unfolds a resonant, brooding tale of doomed passion, betrayal, human resilience and remorse.
亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James),19世纪美国继霍桑、麦尔维尔之后伟大的小说家,也是美国乃至世界文学史上的大文豪。著有长篇小说:《一个美国人》《一位女士的画像》《鸽翼》《使节》《金碗》等。他的创作对20世纪崛起的现代派及后现代派文学有着非常巨大的影响,是心理分析小说的开创者之一,是20世纪小说的意识流写作技巧的先驱。