A man is severely injured in a mysterious accident, receives an outrageous sum in legal compensation, and has no idea what to do with it.
Then, one night, an ordinary sight sets off a series of bizarre visions he can’t quite place.
How he goes about bringing his visions to life–and what happens afterward–makes for one of the most riveting, complex, and unusual novels in recent memory.
Remainder is about the secret world each of us harbors within, and what might happen if we were granted the power to make it real.
汤姆•麦卡锡(1969—),英国作家、概念艺术家。2005年出版小说《记忆残留》后一跃成为当代英国小说界最重要、最令人期待的原创作家之一,被誉为“后现代文学的继承人”。同时,作为国际灵航协会(International Necronautical Society,简称INS)的协作创始人,麦卡锡始终关注艺术和社会中的非本真性,以及重复或复制的首要性和原创性,并一再将这两个命题运用到他的小说中。他的写作手法精巧、复杂,充满实验性和先锋性,旨在打破传统的文字美学,却丝毫无损阅读的乐趣。