An elegant, concise, and revealing portrait of the inimitable leader.
Paul Johnson's books are acknowledged as masterpieces of historical analysis. In Churchill , he offers a lively, succinct exploration of one of the most complex and fascinating personalities in history. Winston Churchill's hold on contemporary readers has never slackened, and this exploration of his life casts new light on one of history's most intriguing figures. Johnson illuminates the various phases of Churchill's career-from his adventures as a young cavalry officer in the service of the empire to his role as an elder statesman prophesying the advent of the Cold War-and shows how Churchill's immense adaptability and innate pugnacity made him a formidable leader for the better part of a century.
保罗•约翰逊Paul Johnson,我们这个时代最著名的历史学者之一。曾入选美国《时代》杂志(Time)2000年一百大人物,被理查•波斯纳(Richard A,Posner)列为“(美国)媒体提及最多的100位公共知识分子”之一。1928年出生于英国兰开夏,毕业于牛津大学麦格德林学院。他曾是一名激进的左翼人士,任《新政治家》编辑。但后来在撒切尔夫人的影响下思想右转,并成为支持英国政治保守主义的著名知识分子代表。他所撰写的历史著作涵盖历史、哲学及宗教等多个领域,其中包括《论知识分子》、《犹太人史》、《当代》、《美国人的历史》、《英国人的历史》、《艺术:一段新历史》等。保罗现为《观察家报》、《每日邮报》的专栏作家,同时也定期为全球最知名的报纸及杂志写稿,包括英国《每日电讯报》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》等。