All of us have to deal with difficult people. Whether we’re asking our neighbor to move a fence or our boss for a pay rise, we can struggle to avoid arguments and get what we want. Laurence and Emily Alison are world leaders in forensic psychology, and they specialize in the most difficult interactions imaginable: criminal interrogations. They advise and train the police, security agencies, the FBI, and the CIA on how to deal with extremely dangerous suspects when the stakes are high. After 30 years’ work—and unprecedented access to 2,000 hours of terrorist interrogations—they have developed a ground-breaking model of interpersonal communication. This deceptively simple approach to handling any encounter works as well for teenagers as it does for terrorists. Now it’s time to share it with the world. reveals that every interaction follows four styles: Control (the lion), Capitulate (the mouse), Confront (the Tyrannosaur) and Co-operate (the monkey). As soon as you understand these styles and your own goals you can shape any conversation at will, and you’ll be closer to the real secret: how to create instant rapport.
劳伦斯·艾莉森(Emily Alison)是利物普大学心理学专业教授,重大事件决策制定中心总监。他在高压环境决策制定、审讯访谈以及性侵者排查等领域著作广泛,有很高的国际声誉。他做过将近500个重大事件的心理学顾问,包括重大谋杀案、伦敦爆炸事件等。他的研究成果和培训已经服务了很多国际组织,包括国际警察局长协会(International Association of Chiefs of Police),美军研究中心(the US Army Research Institute),日本国家警察研究中心(National Research Institute of Police),以色列安全服务商Shin Bet。
艾米丽·艾莉森(Laurence Alison)是家庭暴力领域的行为顾问和临床管理者;她的课程被英国65家组织机构采用。她与丈夫均是审讯心理专家,30多年来共同合作处理了很多极具挑战性的沟通案例。他们的研究成果已经被收入英国国家反恐高级访谈官培训框架,超过100名官员正在接受培训。此外,他们的成果也被移植到治疗遭受家暴的儿童以及人际关系重建领域中。