The Left Hand of DarknessSutty, an Observer from Earth for the interstellar Ekumen, has been assigned to a new world-a world in the grips of a stern monolithic state, the Corporation. Embracing the sophisticated technology brought by other worlds and desiring to advance even faster into the future, the Akans recently outlawed the past, the old calligraphy, certain words, all ancient beliefs and ways; every citizen must now be a producer-consumer. Their state, not unlike the China of the Cultural Revolution, is one of secular terrorism. Traveling from city to small town, from loudspeakers to bleating cattle, Sutty discovers the remnants of a banned religion, a hidden culture. As she moves deeper into the countryside and the desolate mountains, she learns more about the Telling-the old faith of the Akans-and more about herself. With her intricate creation of an alien world, Ursula K. Le Guin compels us to reflect on our own recent history.
厄休拉·勒奎恩(Ursula Le Guin)是美国文坛一位风格独特的女作家。她一手写奇幻和科幻,一手写纪实小说、诗歌、散文、游记、文学评论、童书和剧本,可谓样样精通。她在奇幻小说方面成就斐然,地位崇高,代表作有架空幻想小说《地海传奇》系列、长篇巨著《黑暗的左手》、《一无所有》和《倾诉》、短篇小说集《变化的位面》等20余部。她是美国文学奖获得者,并两度摘得星云奖与雨果奖,其他奖项与荣誉更是不计其数。她还是英文版《道德经》的译者之一,其本人深受老庄思想与人类学影响,作品常蕴含道家哲理。